Friday, February 22, 2013

Routine Mishap

I am so glad the weekend is here!! I am really happy today is over.  Today is my deep clean Friday.) Things got a little out of order today. My daughter had a doctor appointment. It was at 9:00 this morning. She asked me if I would help her with getting the kids ready and go with her. It was a really important appointment, so of course I said yes!! We work so well together. We are like clock work. we were out the door at 8:45.
The problem is, I am not a morning person. I got up at 6:00 to get ready and to be out of my house by 7:30.  She lives about 15 minutes from me.

It is not that I don't like getting up early. I don't sleep in late. I just don't like my morning routine to be changed. I know that there are MANY tines that it has too, but I rather stick to my morning routine. My routine in the morning is to wake up and first thing I do is let as much light in as possible. Then I have a cup of tea! I love tea. In the summer, I open all the windows early. (I love to air the house out.) Let all the sunshine in. (Enter happy dance here!!) wash down the patio and water potted plants out back. Finish my tea and then head for a shower and get ready for my day. I seriously do that every morning. In the winter, I avoid the deadness of winter on the patio. Instead, I do some stuff around the house.

The thing is. I like to do the same thing every morning. I don't care about the rest of the day. That first hour though,  is a critical  part of how my day will go.When I get home and put my car in park it takes me 2.4 seconds to get into my comfy pants or pj bottoms. Then,  it is usually time to start thinking about dinner. I should explain that when I say, "thinking about dinner." That means I will ask my husband what we are having. As most people know. The oven and I do not get along. AT. ALL. I think everyone agrees that it is a safer  place if I stay away from all things cooking. The great thing is. My husband loves to cook. He is an awesome cook. Why take that happiness away from him. ;) He cooks, I clean! It is a win, win, all around! I have a sign in my kitchen that says," keep the kitchen clean, eat out!!" It is my favorite sign. I wish we could all live by it. It makes perfect sense to me! Soon summer will be here and we will have the BBQ going! I can't wait. We throw almost everything on the BBQ. A no mess meal. See, when there is a will, there is a way! :)

So, today I came home after my daughter's doctor appointment and started in on my deep clean Friday. I just got done an hour ago. Love me a clean house!  Their isn't to many things that are more important then my daughter. So, if she needs me. I can get up at 6:00 and head out the door. I may not be the happiest person in the world. But, she is totally worth it!

Now, I think I will go to bed. We have a fun night planed for tomorrow. It is my Son In Laws birthday. A bunch of us are going out and celebrating. It should be a fun night!

                                                        I hope everyone has an amazing 

                                                                         Cathy :)


  1. Cathy, thank you for the comment on my blog! I'm kind of like you....I love my mornings! If I have to get up and go somewhere early in the morning........nothing at home gets done that day...even after I get home!

    You have such a beautiful family....your 3 grands are precious! Isn't God good?

  2. Hi Cathy, I can relate. I love my routines! You have such a beautiful family. Blessings, Dani
