Friday, January 11, 2013

Some thoughts

Happy new year. I hope everyone had a great Holiday. we did. I really wanted to get some pictures up on this pathetic blog of our Christmas but I am not sure that is where I want to go with this yet. I am not sure if I want a public blog and actually do something with it, or, a private one where I can add as many pictures as I want. I have been going back and forth with this in my head. I love my house and I would really like to jump on the bandwagon and link up to some parties, but I feel as though I am just putting to much of myself out there.

So, my New Yer resolution, ( I don't really make them,) is to make a decision this month as to weather I am going to take the plunge and actually start this blog. I want to share my home which has been a labor of love. Most of all I want to share my babies. My daughter and I have talked about it. I may even think about her and I doing this whole blog thing together.

So, I hope I can make my mind up and either hop on the blog train or not.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are freezing here in California. We had snow yesterday and today we did not get out of the 30's. Tonight we are in the teens. Makes me feel like I am back east again. This whole weather thing has been so crazy.



  1. Cathy, thanks for the comment on my blog! I see you have 3 grandbabies too! Aren't we blessed? I got my cute pillows at TJ Max and they were $17 dollars each. Can't beat it! Hope you can find them! They would look great with matching drapes!
    Blessings for the new year!

    1. Thank you so much for telling me where you bought your pillows. We don't have a TJ Max close by, but, we do have a Marshals. I went today and they had them. I was so happy. They also had so many things that I fell in love with. I am going to have to go back for a few more things.
      Thanks again,
